Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Recent Tumblr post on Four Year Strong

This was something i found on my tumblr account. I'm going to see Four Year Strong soon and i thought i'd upload this post. if you're a fan of Four Year Strong, this might interest you. i may have some flaws in this post so notify me if i do. thanks.

So i’m listening to the live stream of Four Year Strong playing for The Rock Show at Maida Vale on Radio 1. this is the first time they played on radio, British Radio to be exact. sounded pretty awesome. they played 3 songs from In Some Way Shape or Form, and 1 song from Enemy of the World. what’s was surprising was that the band was getting strong feedback from the UK. They loved it.
As many fans would know, there were mixed feelings about the new record, mostly because it was a huge step away from the traditional pop punk/hardcore influences into the alternative rock genre. there are fans who would burn all the copies to ashes (while wasting money at the same time), and there are fans who praise the new album. you could say America has it’s own civil war on this one band. On the other hand, Everybody in the UK is loving FYS regardless.
Guitarist Dan O'Conner said in an interview with Ourzone Magazine that “the UK and Europe have a thriving rock scene, it’s more embedded in the culture here than the US.” does this mean the band has found their new fan base? not really, FYS had ventured to the old world years earlier. But that does not mean they’re not reaching out to a country different from theirs. The band captures the audiences of everywhere regardless on musical culture, and they’re gaining a huge following for the years ahead.

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